
Makeup Tips for Protruding Eyes

Protruding eyes are those when you have round, big eyes! But you must know that for protruding eyes makeup you need to take care of a lot of things otherwise eye makeup look can be unflattering. Read all the makeup tips for...

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How to Use Astringent for Oily Skin?

Astringents help to cleanse the skin, tighten skin pores, and dry out the oil from the face. Find out how to use astringent for oily skin? As per the Astringent definition, Astringents are a skincare product (liquid formula)...

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Benefits of Curd on Face

Curd, whether you think about it as a beauty ingredient or as food, is most easily available and at an equivalent time, one among the foremost underrated staples. Although it’d not be as hyped as berries, it’s...

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