How to Scrunch Your Hair

7 Quick and Easy Ways to How to Scrunch Your Hair

Let’s face it; hair is probably the most important aspect of our appearance, to the extent that it can make or break your day.Not only can a nicely-done hairdo catapult your appearance to a different league altogether; it can also put you in a comfortable mind-space, allowing you to be your confident self with no inhibitions or insecurities.

On the contrary, one bad hair day is more than capable of ruining your entire day, along with other things of course!

Hair Scrunching

Now if you’re keen to experiment with a quirky style that is sure to get you inundated with compliments, go for a smart but lesser-understood technique called hair scrunching and with some hair care tips.

How to Scrunch Your Hair Naturally

No, you don’t need to ‘scrunch’ your hair into submission by manufacturing weird-looking curls and twists. Scrunching your hair is a bit like crumpling paper, in more ways than one.

You need to have a plan for how to how to scrunch your hair perfectly; you need to be precise and skilful; you need to visualize your end-look much before you start the actual ground work.

Depending on your hair texture, you can play with different tools to give yourself natural looking, wavy curls that make you look stunning.

How to Scrunch Your Hair : Quick and Easy Ways

Here are some simple scrunching hair naturally tips on how to achieve that oh-so-elusive look without knowing.

1.Don’t brush your hair immediately after showering

That’s a cardinal sin that is as unforgiving as it gets. Brushing hair after showing would even out any semblance of any natural curl you may be blessed with.

2.Don’t use conditioner in the bathroom

Conditioner too tends to weigh your hair down, making it lighter and straighter. Instead of using a conditioner, just use a regular moisturizing shampoo to help your curl unfold naturally. If you’re going to have to use one, go for a light conditioner.

3.Scrunch Hair with Gel and Hairspray

There is little use in scrunching your hair when it is dripping wet. Squeeze whatever water sticking to your hair and towel dry to soak some dampness out. By the same token, don’t leave your hair absolutely dry either because excess dryness will again stymie your attempts.Move you put your p head a bit while you put the product in. Based on the texture of your skin and hair care routine, you may want to use a few varied hair products before settling for something that really works for your hair.

4.Key tip

If you do not know how to scrunch your hair overnight with mousse, simply select a gel and rub it in your palms. Flip your hair and continue scrunching.

Put in only a little as you don’t want to use too much gel in one go before your scrunching endeavours go for a toss.

Meanwhile if you select a spray gel, ensure that you sprinkle it on all parts of your hair and continue scrunching. That said, think twice before using a hair spray because it can leave your hair looking rather artificially engineered.

5. Give it some time

The speed with which your hair dries and curls depends upon how much time you’re willing to give. Ideally, you should let natural heat do its wonder on your hair, especially if you have thick hair.

But it can take anything between 2-3 hours, so you’d need to be patient and resist the temptation to keep fondling your curls. You can scrunch sporadically, but doing it too often can pull your curls off.

6. Diffusing

If you don’t want to wait for your hair to be dried naturally, consider using a diffuser which can either be used as an extension to hair dryer or be bought as a standalone tool.

If you’re keen about scrunching your hair without product, simply use hair dryer as an extension.

7. Things to remember

Place the diffuser on different portions of your head and hold it for a while. But yes, don’t neglect flipping your head over and around to get the hair arranged in the right areas.

Meanwhile if you are not interested in buying a diffuser without compromising on your hair drying process, simply use the hair dryer as though you’re drying and scrunching your hair at the same time.

So apply these some hair care tips and go on scrunching your hair naturally.

About the author

Lisa Jons

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